Jess, I think it's so important to open up the dialogue on death. Thanks so much for giving your perspective here! The last couple years, within my community circles, have been heavy with grief and loss. It's brought the reality of our sometimes long, sometimes short lives into perspective. I used to be very rigid about health and wellness, in the name of protecting myself and my family. Then a dear friend, ultra healthy and peaceful, died from a disease she never should have had, based on her good habits. At first, it ignited fear, but then, slowly, it ignited hope. That we're not in control. That we do the best with what we have, but keep it reasonable. Live. Take chances and risks. No need to be wreckless, of course, but live with abandon in the areas that make you come alive.

You wrote an important piece here and I appreciate it. Keep opening up the difficult conversations!

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Thank you Krissy for such a thoughtful comment. And an important reminder too - that we can try all we can to resist it but ultimately death is coming. Yes, we can make healthy choices but this doesn't give us an automatic 'get out of jail' card.

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Absolutely. We're holding both the realities of life and death lightly, and they each take precedence at different moments and seasons. Again, thanks for writing a post that prompts depth of thought!

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And thank you too for sharing your thoughts and prompting some powerful ponderings! It's so lovely to virtually meet you ☺️

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Absolutely- yay for virtual hellos! <3

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Great post! Thanks for sharing. ❤️

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Thank you Kate for your lovely comment :)

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Great post Jess. Timely for me in a way, as I'm grappling with a post around my negative response to the onset of autumn 🍂 😀. Your rain reminder resonates for me.

My daily morning meditation practice begins with the line "Death comes without warning, It may come today!" A wake up call! And then I forget.....thanks for the reminder 🙏🙏❤️

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Sep 7Author

Thank you for your lovely comment, Vicki. Words have a funny way of finding us at the right time. I love your morning mantra - what a liberating way to start the day. Which sounds odd to say doesn't it? But I think staring at the possibility of death in the face spurs us on to live more deeply. Lots of food for thought... Look forward to reading your post about autumn when the words are ready.

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