I remember getting those "stay at home for your own safety" orders during the riots after George Floyd's murder in Minneapolis. It's a very other-worldly type scared feeling, like entering a real-life horror film. As a USA midwest resident, I have been keeping in closer tabs with my UK friends as I hear about the new across the pond. my heart is with you.

That said, I'm so happy you are shouting the LOVE LOUDER than the hate.

and what does it say that when I read about the flowers for loneliness being left in public places, my thought was..."anytime I see flowers left in public places I wonder 'who died there?'" That is a sad state of world that needs to shift.

all that said, I totally believe that nature ALWAYS seeks balance. In all ways of nature, for as far as the pendulum swings one way, it eventually swings the other way. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. for every darkness, there is always a dawn...and the degree of dawn matches the degree of darkness. I believe with any shadow of doubt that for all the doom and gloom we are experiencing in the world right now, there is an equal and opposite amount of sparkle and shine on the horizon. For that, I choose to be excited!

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Thank you Teri for taking the time to leave such a beautiful comment. I absolutely love your words and I can feel your heart. What a beautiful image there: 'sparkle and shine on the horizon'. I feel that hope deeply!

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Thank you for sharing! Because you wrote this you shared and spread some great news! 😇

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Thank you for your lovely comment, Ellie. I really do appreciate it! Hope you’re able to continue to seek out the good news ✨

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I don't watch the news. Nothing good comes from it. What you focus on, you create more of. 🙏

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