"We’ve all had something tricky in our past that defines who we are today. The choice is yours: will it build you into a warrior or break you into a worrier?"

I'm always intrigued when just one letter changes the entire meaning of a word, or where two words are so similar except for just one sound.

Warrior - has the word WAR in it, and is about fighting. the triple R is like a revving engine getting you going to take action, do something, move forward, and progress.

Worrier - has the long O sound that muffles itself by the double R. In this case, the triple Rs are more of an impending drumroll, a droning sound of "something is coming for you".

Warrior is about going to get something and is ACTIVE

Worrier is about something coming to get you and PASSIVE

Language matters. do you choose to be a warrior (future forward action) or a worrier (past worries passive)?

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Oh Teri, thank you for such an insightful comment. I love this deep dive into the language here! This has given me some food for thought…

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Happy Birthday Jess! Beautifully done. All 32 were spot on.

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Always LOVE a list. Some great tips and insights here. Thanks for sharing, I just subscribed and will share this article in my round up email tomorrow.

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Thank you for your thoughtful comment. And double thanks (or triple?) for subscribing and pledging to share the article. Your support and encouragement really does mean the world :)

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Happy (belated) birthday, lovely!! I hope you had the best time and I wish you a magical year ahead filled with beautiful adventures! ✨ I love a good list and yours was very fun to read through. 🥰 I agreed with a lot of them, but since it's already passed my bedtime, I have to keep this short, haha. But I have to say one last thing: YES! Animals are definitely angels! ❤ xx

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Thank you for your lovely comment, TJ. And I’m glad you agree about animals being angels - could have become really awkward otherwise 😄

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Oh gosh hahaha! You’re so right about that! 💕

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