This is beautiful, Jess. I have also felt really stuck today and I started to get discouraged because I have only just started with a writing practice so I felt like I had failed at the first hurdle. Your post was exactly what I needed to read to reframe my expectations and to think about things in a new way. :)

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Thank you so much for your comment, Victoria. I’m glad these words resonate with you. And I do believe we’re part of the best community to support our writing journey 😀

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Beautifully written Jess. Resonated with where I am in my life right now ✨

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Thank you for your comment, Hege. I'm glad it's struck a chord for you :)

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I have known some truly bittersweet endings, but given enough time and perspective, what came next was always better--better in part because I had grown and learned and then moved on. I am blessed because of all the endings, as you seem to be in your latest ending! May your beginning be filled with amazing opportunities for growth!

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Thank you for your comment, Jenny. What a refreshing way to look at the life - being grateful for the endings. Cheers to that! :)

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Thank you Jess for describing the BEGINNING as a wavelike movement, an entire dynamic process. I enjoy your list of new beginnings very much - [so sorry England was not able to take the Euro Cup with them btw - commiserations!]

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Oh Aline, that is just so interesting -- I hadn't even considered that I 'was' describing Beginnings as a wavelike movement. That is beautiful! Just goes to show the power of interpretation. Thank you for sharing this imagery. And it wasn't meant to be for the Men's team this time - maybe next time, here's hoping!

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